Why Hiring An Injury Lawyer In Oshawa Is The Best Decision?

When you are injured in an accident due to the recklessness of someone else, you find yourself in quandary. Even though you are injured and in severe pain, you have to take care of so many things immediately. You not only have to get yourself medical treatment but also get the contact details of the eyewitnesses of the accident, get photographs and collect evidence. You also have to contact and notify the right authorities including the police and your insurance company regarding the accident. Many of the above things can be taken care of if you contact a good and competent Injury Lawyer in Oshawa.

You must always remember that there is Statute of Limitations applicable at each and every step of the personal injury cases, whether it is notifying the concerned organizations including the insurance company about the accident or filing a claims case. At the same time, you must also remember that you must not contact the insurance company when you are in an agitated state. This is very important as the insurance company will always pounce on the words you say and twist them for their own benefits. It is always better to talk to the insurance company only after you had a talk with Injury Lawyer in Oshawa.

One of the most commonly made mistakes is, not understanding the difference between notifying the insurance company about the accident and claim and discussing the same with the insurers. The fact is that it is your duty to notify your insurance company as well as the insurance company of the other involved vehicle. But even this is best done with the help of an attorney who has the experience in dealing with the insurance companies. He/she will also be able to determine your insurance coverage. Injury Lawyer in Oshawa will file for the insurance claim that will be able to cover your medical treatment.

On the other hand, the main aim of the discussions is to settle your claim quickly. The insurance adjuster will try to do this in favor of the insurance company. For the insurance company, its ultimate goal is zero payout and for this, it will try many types of underhand tactics. To reach its goal, the insurance company will many times take advantage of your agitated state of mind and emotionally blackmail you to sign some papers without looking into them thoroughly. Having Injury Lawyer in Oshawa by your side will save you from getting duped.

Another tactic of the insurance company of which you must be aware of is the recorded statement. There is no reason for you to give any such statement to the insurance company. You will gain nothing from it while lose a lot by giving any statement to the company without consulting your attorney.

The recorded statement can be used against you in many ways. It can also potentially show that you may not be having a valid claim especially if the recorded statement was taken with a malevolent interest of undermining your legitimate claim. If you are forced to give a recorded statement, it would be beneficial if your Injury Lawyer in Oshawa gives it on your behalf. For more information visit Our Website